About The Sussex Sled Bugs
How To Join
You can join at any club meeting, or join on-line with our Join Membership Page. If you have any questions, please use our Contact Page.
We have general membership meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the month from September thru May. Meetings normally start at 7:00 P.M. and are held at:
Village Bowl
N86 W18330 Main Street,
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051.

The public is welcome! Our members come from the entire metro Milwaukee area.
- Aaron Stehling
- Monique Taylor
- Donna Lemacher
- Karen Jeras
- Jerry Fink
- Chris Schamerhorn
- Dan Schamerhorn
- Karen Jeras
Established 1970.
A History Of The Sled Bugs, covering the first 25 years from 1970 to 1995, has been prepared by Steve Haasch, a long-time member. He has done an excellent job, and we hope that you find it interesting.
Who We Are

The Sussex Sled Bugs Snowmobile Club’s purpose is to promote the sport of snowmobiling and to make snowmobiling safer and more enjoyable for everyone. We offer an excellent variety of events to enjoy and improve our abilities in snowmobiling. Local trail rides and trips to many parts of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan are planned every season.
Over the years the club has given support and guidance to many responsible people through our Club sponsored annual DNR certified Safety School. The course is held in November and is open to anyone 11 years of age or older on or before March 1st. Parents are encouraged to attend the classes with their children.
What We Do
The Sussex Sled Bugs have member events throughout the year. Some of our fun activities:
- Club Rides
- Charity Rides
- Poker Runs
- Summer Picnic
- Chili Cook Off
- Christmas Party (Adults and Children)
- Food Drive
- Group Sporting events

The Sussex Sled Bugs are a fun loving group of people interested in the sport of snowmobiling. We are members of AWSC (Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs) and WCSA (Waukesha County Snowmobile Association). We participate in the Blue Ribbon Coalition and Waukesha County Search and Rescue. As a member, you will help to protect and preserve the sport of snowmobiling for future generations.
Wisconsin has 25,000 miles of trails maintained by club members who volunteer time to obtain land owner access, maintaining and marking trails and grooming during the snowmobile season.

It is a great way to socialize with other snowmobiling enthusiasts and meet new people. Snowmobiling is a fun family-oriented activity.